Drop it Like you was it...
Laughter tells you what about yourself? Who's the joke on the those people or the stereotype? Angry, disgusted, shame, turning bigotry upside-down, against itself is the work of satire. Love it hate it humor is dangerous for the gadfly and the horses ass. No glory here my friend.
Niggativity is a bitch
Jungle Bunnies
Sisters of the Yam
Pimp Pickels
Nig Nodders, Bobble Head...alway got yo back
TAJ MAWHEATIE from Puffwheat Goes Pishing Seires
It's not money
Installation view, Indianapolis Art Center
Yo Momma Kandy
Nig Nog it's not just for Holidays
Installation view
Spear Chucker Suckers
Hop Along Picklo
Bowling for Jungle Bunnies, with the Bigotry Bowling Ball
Golden Niggy Bank
Screaming J. Pickles and his Banditrinos
Niggy Pop Shop Catalog