Phil Robinson Omit “I”, is a series of portrait paintings began the summer 2021. Underneath the balaclava masks are fully rendered portraits. With only eyes, mouth and maybe a little hair visible, who can recognize themselves or others? “Who” is plural, social simultaneously inhabiting many roles – custodian, politician, banker, plumber, grandmother, teacher, essential worker, police, caregiver, child etc. Covid in the U.S. has taken on such political animosity that the country can no longer see itself. Common-wealth and common good have lost their civic value. “I” of identity of my tribe inflames not imaginative goodwill, but distraction or disaster. Balaclava is a fancy name for ski-mask, particularly black which generally signifies hiding ill-intents. With or without masks labeling becomes owning a real and or fictional archrival, by drinking poison to spite that rival. This series of paintings turn in multiple directions away from labels mimicking first glance assumptions, tainting all subjects as suspicious, and shielding what’s left of anonymity Identities of self or others is a pin-the-title-on-the-portrait. Viewers are asked to participate, consider, and assign descriptive titles from a list of QR options. The point isn’t choosing correctly, but the uncertainty of deciding, who’s who or what's what. This requires walking through the mirage, fear, bumping into strangers with an open curiosity. Commonwealth/public good flips on their head mere individual status and bias and shakes loose the value of value first, material well-being, mental health, and creation of future realities. Uncoupling authenticity and identity drives this work. These painting’s awkward appearance is transitory. The look of future paintings necessitates aesthetic realities, not just current maladies. Omit “I” and what remains, many overlapping categories, never pure individuality bearing gift of human potential. Made with Acrylic Paint on canvas. 18 x 24 in.